Amazon ECS Overview ECS clusters are logical grouping of EC2 instances EC2 instances run the ECS agent(Docker container) ECS agents registers the instance to ECS cluster EC2 instances run a special AMI made specifically for ECS Creating a ECS cluster Management console-> ECS Create cluster- providing details like the instance size, VPC and subnet details, security group details and so on We can see the ECS details, auto scaling groups, launch configuration and so on If we had enabled ssh to ec2 instance, we can ssh and see in the docker logs that ec2 instance will be registering itself to ecs cluster that we created ECS task definitions It is metadata in JSON form that tells ECS how to run a Docker container It contains following information: Image name Port binding of container and host Memory and CPU required Env variables Networking information etc Creating an ECS task definition Go to ECS -> task definition -> create task definition Reserve memory and CPU size Provide the image+tag name Add container Set the hard, soft limit for the memory Port mapping , volume mapping, etc We can also see the task definition in JSON form as well Creating an ECS service It helps in defining how the tasks should be run and number of tasks should run ECS clusters-> cluster-> create service Choose the task, cluster, etc and create the service This should start running the task and can be visualised through docker logs in the host We can also scale the number of tasks to be run( if the port is reserved for a task, we need to scale instance number in auto scaling group too) ECS service with LB We can have multiple instances running tasks and a load balancer can be used to stream the traffic among them Note: A service can’t be edited to add load balancer, so a new service should be created with a load balancer attached to it Create a load balancer with appropriate vpc, subnets, security group and set the target group(set of instances) Now create a service in the cluster with an ALB attached.

AWS Cloudfront

AWS CloudFront Overview Content deliver network that helps in improving read performance Content is cached 216 points of presence or edge locations, globally DDoS protection, integration with shield, web app firewall Can exppose https and talk to internal https endpoints Cloudfront- Origins S3 bucket Distributing files and caching at edge Enhanced security with origin access identity(OAI) used as ingress Custom origin ALB EC2 S3 website Cloudfront vs S3 cross origin Cloudfront is global, s3 co is to be done in every region Cloudfront caches for a TTL, S3 CO updates real-time CloudFront is suitable for static content, S3 CO for dynamic content to be available with low-latency in few regions CloudFront- S3 Creat bucket and add few objects Go to cloud front and create distribution with origin domain name as the bucket created Restrict bucket access - makes user have access only through CF URL and not Bucket URL Create or use an OAI Create distribution - takes sometime( around 10 mins) Now an OAI would have been created and if we go to the bucket-> bucket policy-> we can see only OAI created will have access Once CF is ready we can try to access the object, it’ll take time for CF to propogate to bucket(3-4 hours), till then we can make ACL and bucket ACL public and object as public, and now we can see the object CloudFront - Caching Caches based on- headers, session cookies, query string params Caching is based on TTL( 0 second to an year) CreateInvalidation API invalidates part of cache Because of caching if you change anything in an object and if the TTL is not crossed, the user will see older version of the object through CF Hence we can use CreateInvalidation for this problem CloudFront-> distribution-> invalidate-> create invalidation-> give the pattern of objects that’s to be invalidated (* for all objects) Now even if there is any change in any object of the bucket, changes will be reflected CloudFront - Security OAI for S3 Buckets HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP to HTTPS restrictions Geo restriction Can restrict based on location Whitelist and blacklist, both can be done use case- copyright laws for accessing content CF distribution-> restrictions-> enable geo restriction-> whitelist/blacklist regions CloudFront signed URL/ signed cookies If you want to distribute paid shared content to users signed URL/ cookie can attach policy like URL expiration IP ranges trusted signers Signed URL for individual files, cookies for multiple files(one cookie for many files) Pricing https://aws.


AWS VPC fundamentals Overview VPC, Virutal private cloud is a private network to deploy our resources Through subnets we can partition our network inside a VPC public subnet is one which is accessible from the internet and private subnet is not accessible Route tables are used to define access from internet and between subnets Architecture of a VPC VPC is at region level - having multiple AZs An AZ has public and private subnets More on VPC Internet gateway helps VPC instances to connect to the internet Public subnet through internet gateway connects to internet Public subnet has route to IGW, private subnet has route to NAT gateway and instance Network ACL Acts as a firewall controlling traffic from and to subnet It can have allow or deny rules Attached at subnet level Rules can have only IP addresses Security groups Firewall controlling traffic to and from ENI or EC2 instance It can only have allow rules Rules can have IP addressed or other security groups VPC flow logs Captures information from VPC flow logs, subnet flow logs, ENI flow logs Helps to monitor and trouble shoot network issues Captures network information from managed services like RDS, Aurora and so on too Can store the logs to an S3 of be sent to cloudwatch logs VPC peering Connection two VPCs through AWS network For this IP address range on two VPCs should not be overlapping VPC connection is not transitive, it’ll only between two VPCs VPC endpoints Allows VPC to connect to AWS services using private network instead of public network They have advantage of low latency and secure connection VPC endpoint gateway for DynamoDB and S3 VPC endpoint interface for other services Site to site VPN and Direct connection We can connect our on-prem VPN to AWS using public encrypted network - Site to site VPN.