Amazon ECS


  • ECS clusters are logical grouping of EC2 instances
  • EC2 instances run the ECS agent(Docker container)
  • ECS agents registers the instance to ECS cluster
  • EC2 instances run a special AMI made specifically for ECS

Creating a ECS cluster

  • Management console-> ECS
  • Create cluster- providing details like the instance size, VPC and subnet details, security group details and so on
  • We can see the ECS details, auto scaling groups, launch configuration and so on
  • If we had enabled ssh to ec2 instance, we can ssh and see in the docker logs that ec2 instance will be registering itself to ecs cluster that we created

ECS task definitions

  • It is metadata in JSON form that tells ECS how to run a Docker container
  • It contains following information:
    • Image name
    • Port binding of container and host
    • Memory and CPU required
    • Env variables
    • Networking information
    • etc

Creating an ECS task definition

  • Go to ECS -> task definition -> create task definition
  • Reserve memory and CPU size
  • Provide the image+tag name
  • Add container
  • Set the hard, soft limit for the memory
  • Port mapping , volume mapping, etc
  • We can also see the task definition in JSON form as well

Creating an ECS service

  • It helps in defining how the tasks should be run and number of tasks should run
  • ECS clusters-> cluster-> create service
  • Choose the task, cluster, etc and create the service
  • This should start running the task and can be visualised through docker logs in the host
  • We can also scale the number of tasks to be run( if the port is reserved for a task, we need to scale instance number in auto scaling group too)

ECS service with LB

  • We can have multiple instances running tasks and a load balancer can be used to stream the traffic among them
  • Note: A service can’t be edited to add load balancer, so a new service should be created with a load balancer attached to it
  • Create a load balancer with appropriate vpc, subnets, security group and set the target group(set of instances)
  • Now create a service in the cluster with an ALB attached.
  • Allow security group of the cluster to have an inbound rule from ALB, with this we should be able to make call from ALB’s DNS name


  • We can use AWS’s own image repository for storing and retreiving images
  • It can be made public or private
  • In ECS-> ECR-> Create repository and name it
  • Follow the instructions given to push your name from local

Using our ECR image

  • We can update our task to new revision and provide our image URL
  • If we update our service with new revision, tasks in instances should restart with our image

AWS Fargate

  • This is a way of having ECS cluster without using EC2 instances
  • It’s managed by AWS
  • We just have to increase and decrease our tasks, as needed

Creating ECS cluster with Fargate and more

  • ECS cluster-> create cluster using Fargate
  • Now create a task with type Fargate
  • Note: Port mapping is not necessary in this case, it does on it’s own, just the container exposed port should be given
  • Create a service with task created, assign a load balancer, target group, vpc and sec group
  • ECS cluster is ready

Placement strategy

  • The way in which an EC2 task is placed on an instance with constraints of CPU, memory, available port
  • Task placement strategy and task placement constraint helps us with this
  • Note: This is only for EC2 type cluster
  • Process taken by ECS to place task on an instance:
    • Idenity instances that satisify memory, cpu and port constraints
    • Find the instances that pass placement constraint
    • Find the instances that pass placement strategy
    • place the task

Types of placement strategy

  1. Binpack

    • Minimizes the cost as it chooses based on least amount of memory or CPU available(so less number of instances)
  2. Random

    • Place tasks randomly to instances
  3. Spread on AZ

    • Spreads tasks evenly on all AZs
  4. Mix of them

    • Combinations like (spread on AZ, binpack) and (spread on AZ, spread on instances) are possible too

Types of placement constraints

  1. DistinctInstance

    • Tasks must be placed on distinct instances
  2. Member of

    • An expression can be used to check if an instance belongs to that category. e.g, size of the instance is micro? and so on

Applying constraints and strategy

  • ECS-> cluster-> create service-> placement strategy

ECR pricing

Image policy in ECR

  • We can delete Images in ECR based on the criteria of number of days elapsed after the image is pushed