AWS Route53


  • Service in AWS that manages Domain name system(DNS)
  • A domain costs around 12 dollars per year
  • Amazon Route 53 effectively connects user requests to infrastructure running in AWS – such as Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, or Amazon S3 buckets – and can also be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS

Setting up a domain name

:::info Route 53 is a global service. No need to select regions :::

  • Management console - > Route 53
  • Register domain -> enter domain name and check availability -> details -> create
  • Takes about an hour
  • Active for only one year

Route53 for EC2

  • Create EC2 instance(s) using management console
  • Once it is running
  • Go to Load balancer, select AZs, create

Route53 - TTL

  • High TTL is used when there is less traffic and low TTL means many requests
  • Can be set in Route53 section in management console.
  • Create a record set -> give the public IP -> set the time
  • To test the time it’s cached , use dig tool

CNAME and Alias

  • Sets up alias for other IPs
  • Both can be created under Route53 section
  • CNAME can setup alias for only non-root domain e.g,, it cannot be for
  • Alias is similar to CNAME but it can also be alias for root domain, e.g
  • To setup go to management console-> route 53-> create a record-> choose cname/ alias-> give the hostname

Simple route policy

  • A route can be created to map one or more IP addresses
  • In that case browser itself will choose one among them

Weighted route policy

  • When more than one IP is mapped to a route, we can set weights for browser to choose an IP
  • For this create records based on the number of IP to be mapped. Give same name for all the records
  • Choose weighted as the policy and assign weights

Latency routing policy

  • Routing can also be done based on the latency for making the call from a particular region
  • Create records based on the number of IP to be mapped. Give same name for all the records, give IPs belonging to different regions
  • Make a call to the domain, and the result should come from nearest region

Health check

  • Healthy if 3 calls to the IP passes
  • Unhealthy if 3 calls to the IP fails
  • But it can be changed
  • Default health check happens every 30s, but faster check can be done every 10s (higher cost)
  • Health checker checks for 15 times
  • Can be integrated with Cloudwatch
  • Route53-> Health check-> choose an IP or domain name-> threshold of failover-> create
  • Can be monitored, set alarms as well

Failover route policy

  • Routes to different IP only when there is failure(health check fails)
  • There should be primary and secondary IPs
  • Health check must be present
  • Create record using failover as the policy
  • Choose if it’s primary or secondary IP
  • Select the health check policy created

Geolocation route policy

  • Can route based on the geolocation
  • E.g India routes to IPA, US routes to IPB
  • But default route should also be set
  • Create a record using Geolocation route policy-> Give the IP address and choose the location
  • Must create another record with location chosen as default, so that there is no failure if the call is made from different location

Multivalue routing policy

  • Can route to multiple IPs
  • Create record with multi valued as policy
  • When multiple records are created with different IPs, dig tool call to the domain created should return 3 IP addresses
